Naturally Grown Local Vegetables

Perkiomenville, Pennsylvania

Montgomery County

Welcome to a Season of Fresh, Local, and Sustainable Vegetables!

Direct from our field - to your table

free delivery within 10 miles of the farm

Order your 2024 CSA Farm Share Online

What is CSA?

CSA stands for Community Supported Agriculture, a model that connects consumers directly with local farmers. By becoming a CSA member, you not only get access to fresh and seasonal produce but also support our small-scale farm and local community.

What’s Included?

Stone Home Market Garden CSA shares include a variety of seasonal vegetables, herbs, and occasionally other farm products. Each week, you can expect a diverse selection that showcases the best of what our farm has to offer.

Our Growing Techniques

Stone Home Market Garden is committed to providing our members flavorful, safe and healthy vegetables.

We use no harmful chemicals, pesticides, or fertilizers on the farm and grow everything beyond the minimum requirements for the organic certification.

Delicious and flavorful vegetables fruit from healthy soil

Some techniques we use at Stone Home Market Garden

Frost protection and insect netting

Organic compost

Silage tarps

Organic soil amendments such as alfalfa meal and fish emulsion

Organic seeds

Companion planting

Crop rotations

Minimal tillage

Pollination honey bees and wild bee habitat

Worm casting operation

Local Vegetables Only


Reasons to shop for your vegetables locally from an organic farm in Pennsylvania…


Nutrition. When vegetables are packed, shipped, and put out at your supermarket, they lose vital nutrients in the transportation process. Support small-scale farms because they feed you high-quality products that are more nutritious because of the way they were naturally grown and delivered to you immediately after harvest from the farmer.

Support your Community and Local Business. When you shop locally at a small-scale farm for food you are voting with your dollar, and spending your hard-earned money within your state. You are supporting alternative regenerative agriculture.

Relationship with local farmers and the food system. Vegetables are grown from seed to crop at Stone Home Market Garden in Perkiomenville, Pa, and you can meet us at Farmers Markets!